
Friday 12 April 2019

Hawswell quarry.

Rendered Image

Hello we are at Hawswell Quarry.
We are on the first map right now it is starting to get really fun And now.
I'm actually quite enjoying it this is really easy.
YAY!!! We came first.
Right now we are up to our second to last map.
but we only have to find number 45 and number 46.
It's really going to go way more easier than last one We were just about.
To come through like the  last one but instead we 2 but its fine.

I feel so so sore that I could not even move my legs.
I felt the wind breeze blowing everywhere and it felt good.
I also felt the grass going up my legs it felt weird/yuck.

I taste lots of wind going in and out of my mouth.

I smell shep poo swishing through the air YUCK!!! / GROSS!!!!

I heard lots of kids talking and helping each other.
I also heard lots of talking to figure out the question.
like where is the next clue???

I saw lots of kids running to there next direction.
I also saw lots of kids going.
To finish and cross the  line and shouting ¨ yeah we won yeah.
My group came 3 to last :( . But i still had lots of fun.