
Wednesday 30 June 2021

Milk plastic.

 Aim: make milk into plastic.

1. Video:

Here's a video of how to make milk into plastic 

2. Equipment:

  • Stove, oven, or microwave
  •  Measuring Cup
  • Measuring Spoon (tsp.)
  • Milk (1 cup)
  • Pot or microwaveable container
  • White vinegar
  • Paper towels 
  • Spoon
  • Mug
  • Optional: Food colouring, glitter, Or cookie cutter for decoration    

3. Method:
  •  Pour 1 cup of milk into a pot or microwaveable container 
  • Heat the milk in the microwave or on the stove until its steaming
  • Add 4 teaspoons of white vinegar into a mug 
  • Add the hot milk to the mug with the vinegar
  • Stir the mixture with a spoon 
  • Stack 4 layers of paper towels on a surface this is safe to get damp
  • Scoop out the curds with a spoon and place them on the paper towels
  • Fold the paper towels over the curds and press down to absorb excess liquid 
  • Knead all the curds together into a ball of dough 
  • Colour, shape, or mold the dough as you like
  • You can colour the dough with food colouring  
  • You can add glitter to make the dough sparkly
  • you can use cookie cutters to shape your dough or you can sculpt the dough with your hands
  • What shapes can you create 
  • Put all your creations on a paper towel and let them dry overnight  
  • Now you have turned you milk into plastic!!

Thursday 24 June 2021

Fizzy Drink & Mentos.

Aim: To see Which fizzy drink reacts the most Mentos lollies 

Hypothesis: I think that the coke is going to react the most with the Mentos. 


1. Mentos

2. Coke

3. Lemonade

4. Sparking Duet 

5. Ruler

6. Beaker 


1. Collected and set up the beaker 

2.  Got the 1st liquid and put 100 mls in the beaker.

3. Put the mentos into the liquid 

4. Measured the Height  of the fizz 

5. Repeat steps 1-4 with the second and third liquid

Photos: Two photos of my experiment.


Sparkling Duet 




2. Sparkling Duet ( DID NOTHING)

3. Lemonade  (DID NOTHING)

Thursday 17 June 2021


Chromatography is a technique for the separation of a mixture by passing it int he solution or suspension through a medium in which the components move at different time.

Aim: To separate the colours from the skittles by using chromatography


1. 5 Skittles 

2. Water 

3. Petri dish 

4. Beaker 


Step 1: Get your Equipment set up ready to pour 25mLS of water into the perti dish with the skittles

Step 2. Place skittles into perti dish around edges 

Step 3. Pour 25mLS water gently into middle of the petri dish 

step 4. Watch as the water removes the dye from the skittles. See what colour reaches to middle fastest 

Friday 11 June 2021

Osmosis- Gummy Bears!

 Osmosis: The movement of solvent through the wall of a solid.

Sodium-Chloride = Nacl (salt)


I want to find out what happen's to the Gummy Bears when we put them into different liquids?


I think the Gummy Bears are going to grow and soak up some of the liquids .



- Three solutions- water sugar- and salt

-Four Gummy Bears of the same colour

-Two petri Dishes 

-Maker pen

- Electronic Balance 

- Beaker


1. Get your Equipment

2. Lable petri dishes with, DRY, WATER , SALT WATER, SUGAR WATER

3. Weigh the Gummy Bears and record their weight on the petri dish 

4. Add 40ML of the solution into the petri dish


Weight change 

Yellow ( 2.20 ) too 1.88

Green ( 2.22 ) too 3.15

Red ( 2.35 )  too 4.62







Salt water



Sugar water 




The water that was included in the first Gummy bear petri dish made the Gummy bear form a dry weight of ( 2.35 )To a wet weight of ( 4.50 ) The differences between the two weights was that in the water it absorbed more liquid.This means that the gummy bear absorbed the amount through the progress of osmosis. 

The salt water gummy bear petri dish had an chance of a dry wight of (2.20 ) To a wet weight of (2.60)The difference in these weights are that the salt water one grew more...

The sugar water solution in the petri dish with the gummy bear made this gummy bear weigh (3.29) this means it absorbed (1.07 )water total.

The gummy bear that changed the most was the gummy bear in the normal water.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Hands on fire!

Aim: To safety light my hands on fire. 

List and explain 4 ways of doing this safely.

1. Don't shake your hand's.

2. Glass's to protect your eyes 

3. Tie back your hair if you have long hair.

4. Fire extinguisher.


1. Detergent

2. Lighter

3. Safety glasses

4. Tray

5. Hose


1. Collect your equipment

2. Put some water into tray

3. Squirt some detergent into tray of water

4. put on your safety glasses

5. Tie up any long hair

6. Take off any jewellery 

7. Wet your hands,Wrists and arms

8. Bubble the gas into the water.

9. Scoop the bubbles but not the water

10. Hold up the bubbles in front of you with your arms looked